Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society

News & Updates

Giving Tuesday Beacon of Hope Campaign

It’s hard to believe how quickly the year passes – too fast! It seems like it was just last week when we were enjoying our barbecue lunch at the summer Walk-Run Challenge. And yet here we are – it’s the end of November, and the holidays will soon be upon us.

This year we’ve enjoyed seeing more of you, our friends, members and supporters, in person and online. We look forward to more opportunities to mix, mingle and share valuable information and support on Myeloma. But we need your help.

Once again, we are launching our annual Beacon of Hope year-end fundraising campaign on Tuesday November 28th – Giving Tuesday. The day globally recognized as a day dedicated to giving back. A day when people around the world come together for a common purpose, to encourage and inspire generosity.

SAMPS has always held its vision to be a Beacon of Hope for improved Quality of Life among Myeloma patients and their care teams. We do this through our programs, education, and advocacy. We have built a community where those impacted by the diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma can find connection, support, and friendship.

Your donation to SAMPS supports our programs that give everyone – patients, families, care teams - opportunities to live more connected and supported through the work of our volunteer-driven organization.  We are incredibly grateful to supporters like you for the role you have played In supporting patients and their care teams. Your donations go directly towards restoring hope and providing support to those in need.

That is why we hope that you will donate on November 28th and help our SAMPS community to thrive. Your donation will be increased by 1% through Canada Helps, our donation platform provider.

As we enter the traditional giving season, we hope that you will support the work of SAMPS with your donation to the Beacon of Hope campaign. Every gift counts, every gift makes a difference. Our goal this year is $7,500. Using the form below, you can make your secure, online donation. All donations receive a charitable tax receipt.

Thank you for joining the Giving Tuesday generosity movement, and your ongoing support of SAMPS.

With gratitude and hope,

Angela Craig