Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society

News & Updates

Bev's Myeloma Challenge 2020

Those who know me well know that I prefer a bike with an engine.  However, after bilateral hip replacements and my 2018 diagnosis of Myeloma, a bike with an engine is no longer possible.  So… what’s the next best thing?  A bicycle!

Before Myeloma, I was active, worked out with a personal trainer 3 times a week at the gym, and had energy to burn.  After 2 years of treatment for my Myeloma, I decided to see if I could get back to being active.  My personal Myeloma Challenge?  To ride 50 km between August 10 – 16 on my (engine-less) bike. 

Guess what??  I did it!!!

I am also blessed by many wonderful friends and family members who donated to my Cycle Challenge, helping raise just over $2,000.00 for local Myeloma research!

Not only did I complete my challenge, but during the week of regular exercise, I found my energy levels rising, and my sense of well-being improving.  I am so happy I “challenged” myself, and got back out there again.